2. Participant onboarding

To onboard the Participant, the following steps are performed:

  1. The Participant requests to join the Payments network.
  2. Gevamu Payments Gateway provides the Participant with the Network ID, assigns them a Participant ID, and registers the Payments CorDapp.

These IDs are required when initiating payments. The SDK does not have a functionality to save them – saving these IDs is the task of the application that uses the SDK.

  1. Network ID and Participant ID are displayed in the Client Application.
title : Registration using Gevamu
 %% using slide 12

  participant ca as Client Application
  box Corda Network
  participant pc as Payment CorDapp <br/> powered by <br/> Gevamu Payment SDK 
  participant gn as Gevamu <br/> Payments Gateway <br/> Node
  ca ->> pc: Request to join <br/>as a Participant

  pc ->> gn: Registration request
  Note right of pc: On-chain
  gn ->> pc: Provide Network ID <br/> Assign Participant ID
  pc ->> ca: Participant's credentials
  ca ->> ca: Display Network ID <br/> and Participant ID
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  1. (Off-Chain) To access the payments service, the Participant registers with the PSP directly by submitting the combination of the Network ID and Participant ID received from the Payments Gateway.
title : Participant registers with PSP/Bank

participant p as Participant
participant psp as PSP
p ->> psp: Register with PSP using Network ID and Participant ID
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