1. BNO onboarding
The BNO onboarding process consists of the following steps:
- The PSP provides HTTPS endpoint details (destination of payment initiation requests), and assigns a Network ID to the BNO.
- The BNO provides HTTPS endpoint details (destination of status updates) to the PSP.
- The BNO sets up the Payments Gateway as a node within their Corda network (Gevamu Payments Gateway binaries are provided by Exactpro) using configuration details exchanged previously.
sequenceDiagram autonumber %% code block %% participant psp as PSP box Corda Network participant bno as BNO participant gpg as Gevamu Payment Gateway end Note right of psp: Off-chain psp ->> bno: Provides HTTPS endpoint details<br/> Assigns Network ID to BNO bno ->> psp: Provides HTTPS endpoint details Note right of bno: On-chain bno ->> gpg: BNO sets up the Payments Gateway
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