
This section contains examples illustrating how to use various features of the Gevamu Payments Solution.


To demonstrate a possible architecture of your app integrated with the Gevamu Payments Solution, we'll use an abstract CorDapp as a sample (shown as Your App on the diagram below).

title: Dependencies

flowchart LR
  target[Your App]
  net.corda:corda-core --> target
  com.gevamu.corda:payments-workflows --> target
  com.gevamu.corda:payments-contracts --> target
  custom[... your dependencies] --> target
Mermaid diagram is loading...

See a sample dependencies configuration in the build.gradle.kts file:

repositories {
// Repository with Corda artifacts
dependencies {
// Core Corda dependencies
// Gevamu dependencies

Examples in this section demonstrate a sample implementation of the GevamuFacade class. This class utilizes the facade pattern and provides a simple interface to the Gevamu Payments Solution.

  class GevamuFacade {
    + registerParticipant()
    + sendPayment()
    + queryPayments()
Mermaid diagram is loading...


In order to have access to Corda flows and services, the GevamuFacade class should be implemented as a Corda service, see the example below:

import net.corda.core.node.AppServiceHub
import net.corda.core.node.services.CordaService
import net.corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
class GevamuFacade(private val serviceHub: AppServiceHub): SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
// Here goes the implementation of the GevamuFacade class

Read more about Corda services implementation in Corda documentation.